IOSH has launched a new strategy setting the course for the organisation for the next five years and outlining how it will achieve its charitable aims of raising the profile of the profession and improving the safety and health of workers worldwide.
Posted 4/5/2017
Are you puzzled by EN131? Not sure of the differences between EN131 and BS 2037?
H&S Poster
Posted 15/3/2017
Over recent years there have been big improvements in reducing the number and rate of injuries to construction workers. What has been less recognised is that construction is a high risk industry for health issues too.
CSCS Cards
Posted 12/7/2016
New guidance has been issued for those wishing to obtain a CSCS card. Give our consultants a call if you have any questions. A flowchart explaining the changes can be found inside this blogpost.
Helping Great Britain work well
Posted 24/3/2016
Great Britain’s health and safety record is the envy of much of the world. Central to this is protecting people by managing risk in a proportionate and effective way, supporting innovation and increasing productivity. The challenge is to improve even further on this impressive record.
HSE is seeking to influence the system through the Help Great Britain work well strategy.
Asbestos - Important Read!
Posted 24/3/2016
An Oxford based company has been fined after disturbing asbestos insulation board (AIB) at a school.
Northampton Magistrates’ Court heard how Amey Communities Limited (ACL) were contracted to carry out roof refurbishment at Lings Primary School, Hayes wood Road, Northampton. During the course of this refurbishment workers from ACL disturbed AIB in a small plant room.
CDM 2015 cont.
Posted 7/4/2015
After much consultation, protestation, placation and revision, the revised Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM) 2015 are now in force.
Construction Inspection
Posted 15/4/2014
HSE to launch construction inspection blitz targeting health risks
HSE will launch an unannounced inspection clampdown in the construction sector targeting disease risks as part of a package of measures to improve the industry’s management of occupational health.
During the two-week initiative in June HSE will carry out 500 inspections focusing on risks such as the control of dust and other hazardous substances, manual handling risks and the noise and hand-arm vibration dangers associated with activities such as cutting and breaking concrete products.
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